Our exclusive Synergy Academy is a BENEFIT of Synergy National Membership. Our Synergy Academy Third Mind meet the last Friday of each month. (except for November and December).
During the Synergy National Third Mind Events, one of our Academy Coaches takes the helm as we dive deeper into material covered during the month. Don’t be surprised if current business challenges are discussed and viable solutions are suggested on the spot. This is the COLLECTIVE POWER of The Third Mind and the PRICELESS VALUE of your Synergy National Membership. Guests are welcome to attend one time and experience the brain trust…amazing!
Business Development Opportunities
- Discover Your Roadmap to Success
- Finetune Your Organizational Culture
- Maximize Your Systems
- Re-evaluate Your Processes
- Refine Your Leadership Abilities
- Build a Valuable Business

Lillian Zarzar
Synergy Academy Director & Buckeye Chapter Coach

Peggy Adrian-Nagel
Synergy Academy PLUS Chapter Coach

Darren Cherry
Synergy Academy Easton Chapter Coach

Diane Wingerter
President Synergy National