A Message From Diane
I am excited that you’re visiting our website and are curious to discover how the ‘Synergy National Business Development Community’ will impact you!
As Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, Business Owners & Business Professionals, one must enrich their business knowledge and strengthen their business relationships in order to succeed and flourish in the competitive business arena. Those who understand this statement, and believe it to be true, will thrive in our Synergy Business Development Community.
It is difficult to explain in words when individuals often ask me, “What is so different about Synergy?” My general response highlights the fact that ALL of our members are savvy, knowledgeable, industry experts and they lead with generosity and offer wisdom and advice to their fellow Synergy colleagues. Why?….Because they WANT to see each other SUCCEED.
As you visit with us, you will observe that regardless of one’s tenure with Synergy, members are treated with sincerity and mutual respect and that our bottom-line mission is striving to impact each other’s success.
In summary, Synergy National exists to provide a structured environment for those who have a genuine desire to excel in their respective industry. If you are seeking mutual collaboration and meaningful business relationships, then your first-step is to visit us at any of our weekly events and experience ‘The Synergy Difference’ for yourself.
To Your Success…..Introduce Yourself Soon!
Diane Wingerter
President, Synergy National, LLC

Diane Wingerter
President, Synergy National, LLC
How often does the group meet?
Each chapter meets twice a month, networking starts at 11:30 am, and the event at Noon. The events adjourn at 1:30 pm. Optional Power Partner Groups, Business Development Groups, and the Synergy Academy Third Mind provide up to 144 opportunities a year for members to engage.
What else happens in the events?
Occurring each event, members and guest stand and give a 60 second “commercial” about their business. The more you talk about how you solve customer problems – opposed to what it is you do – the more other members will relate to your service.
Every event allows one or more member(s) to give a 10 minute, in-depth presentation about their business.
There are announcements and updates on what’s happening with the group, as well as explanations of Synergy National’s guidelines.
One-on-ones are set up at each meeting. Each member arranges a 30-45 minute visit to the business of another member to learn more about that member’s business.
One-on-one forms are submitted which document these offsite meetings.
Referral slips are submitted to document referrals to other members, so everyone in attendance can view the nature of the referral given..
What are the responsibilities of the members?
There are a few requirements of each member;
1. Be an active participant in the events; attend 80% of your home chapter meetings.
2. Give two referrals per month to other members.
3. Meet with two members per month for a one-on-one.
4. Bring one potential new member per quarter to the events; (Because the more members, the more referrals.)
How many referrals do I have to give?
Members are expected to give a minimum of two referrals a month. But again, the more you give, the more you’ll get.
What would be a good, potential guest?
There are two requirements for a qualified guest:
1. Someone whose business will not conflict with any existing member’s business, refer to our website for member profiles.
2. A company with a solid, professional reputation in the business community.
As a guest, how many events can I attend before I’m able to join?
Guests are permitted a 30-day trial to visit as many events as they wish. Then guests can submit an application to join. An inspection and expectation process is also required for membership.
Once I’m a member, am I expected to do business only with other members?
No, though loyalty to other members will increase your chances of getting referrals in return. We know you have existing working relationships, but the support you show to Synergy National members will pay you back.
Do I have to be at every event?
We encourage members to attend a minimum of 80% of their home chapter meetings. If you miss one or two meetings a quarter, keep the lines of communication open and let us know why you can’t make it.
Can someone from my company fill in for me?
Yes, but on a limited basis, as long as they have the same qualifications as you. Once you’re a member, you are expected to attend a minimum of 80% of the meetings.
What is the dues structure?
Dues can be set-up to be paid monthly, quarterly, or annually, whichever is most convenient for you.
Who can I call if I have more questions?
Contact Diane Wingerter, President at 1-614-390-4227.