Kathy Lowery Gallowitz
Member: Buckeye Chapter Member Since: October 2018
Kathy Lowery Gallowitz
Veteran Advocacy
Vanguard Veteran LLC
Kathy is the Owner of Vanguard Veteran, LLC. As a Veteran Advocate, she is Leading The Veteran Champion Movement and her business connects Civilians with Veterans. Her vast educational background includes: The Medical College of Virginia, The University of Texas–Health & Sciences Center as well as Ohio University. Her degrees include a Bachelors in Nursing, Maters in Nursing and Masters in Political Science.
Her professional background includes: The Ohio National Guard, NW Mutual, Pickerington Chamber of Commerce as well as Buckeye Sports and Orthopedic Specialists. Kathy has spoken to roughly 100 audiences throughout her previous positions held with these companies/organizations.
She is a thought-leader and her positive outlook is evident to everyone she meets.